How to make the pad and lead for Mac DeMarco - 'Chamber Of Reflection' in DRC
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For many of us, the dream of becoming a professional musician in any capacity is an illusive one. The path to ‘making it big’ is certainly a road filled with hard work and perseverance. For this week’s guest artist, the road of hard work was actually a literal one, as a struggling backing musician Mac DeMarco paid the bills by working as part of a road paving crew, and even participating in medical experiments for money. (That’s the kind of dedication we don’t fancy doing!)
Listening to DeMarco’s music, you get the sense that this is all taken in his stride, an easy going, relaxed approach, living life as it happens and not stopping to worry about it. DeMarco’s choice of retro instruments and equipment further such an organic and casual take on recording, quite a refreshing change to most of today’s digital obsessed creatives. (Yes, we are aware of the irony/hypocrisy of a music tech company saying this!)
In DeMarco’s case, the oldskool aesthetic cries out for beat-up old guitars, reel-to-reel tape recorders and more than a handful of authentic vintage synths to make us drool. Yamaha DX7, Prophet 5, and Roland Juno 60 to name a few.
Get ready to lose yourself in the gorgeous analog pitch drifting of this one, as we take on Mac DeMarco - ‘Chamber of Reflection’
Click here to download the Ableton project file
DRC is the only analog we need,
Team Imaginando