How to make Marc Romboy & Stephan Bodzin 'Atlas' with DRC
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In a world where we are bombarded with adverts for MIDI chord packs, all of which carry the promise of short-cutting all that boring, old, mozart stuff, and freeing you of the laborious, time consuming task of composing your own melodies; there is still no substitute for a decent grounding and understanding of music theory.
While there’s nothing wrong using creative tools which aid composition, like the note generation functions of LK’s Matrix module’s clip composer for example, knowledge is still power, and understanding is even better.
You may be surprised at just how many electronic music producers are also classically trained musicians too, which leads us to the reason for this meandering introduction; Stephan Bodzin. The Berlin techno meister himself, is no stranger to classical, exposed and immersed in music from an early age, thanks to his father, an experimental musician.
We’ve covered some of Stephan’s tracks in previous tutorials, but this time we’re featuring one of his hit collaborations, with fellow German techno DJ and producer, Marc Romboy.
Today’s DRC Sound Design tutorial track is 2016’s ‘Atlas’ by Marc Romboy & Stephan Bodzin. Lucas has got the two core sounds from this tight techno tune for you; the main lead and the background saw.
Whether you like us covering these modern melodic techno tunes, or classic cuts of synthpop from the 80s, be sure to let us know in the comments, if you have any suggestions for future tracks for Lucas to take on!
Click here to download the Ableton project file.
A whole world of sound design,
Team Imaginando